Second to final test

***This post focuses on heavily modifying the power brake vacuum booster. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY OF THESE MODIFICATIONS. This is to be read for entertainment only. Tampering with the factory structure could lead to brake failure and can endanger your life and those around you.***

The final test will be when the car is fully assembled and running.

For now, I just have to see if this thing will hold vacuum for, I think they said 20 seconds at the minimum.

Bought an electric pump and then made a metal pipe “T” to connect the pump to the booster and also a vacuum gauge.


This thing is so kluge. I’m using a pair of vise grips to pinch the hose to keep losing the vacuum back through the shut down pump.


The booster failed, it would lose vacuum, a bit too quickly.

The problem turned out to be a small crack coming off of one of the studs. I had an idea what may have cracked the case then, I can’t remember what it was now.

This might be the cause of the crack and I cannot remember how I did it.

From the pattern, I must have been dicking around with the Aluminum jig thing on the painted shell.


A quick brazing job and a repaint and the booster was tested again and this time it help vacuum for quite a long time actually.


The back up booster passed the test without any issues. I think I may have made the back up the primary because of these results.

I have a vacuum tank I’ll be installing. Because of the possible bad idling characteristics I’m expecting from this engine, I’ll be plumbing the vacuum from the engine and the electric vacuum pump into the tank. Then again, maybe I’ll just stick with the electric vacuum pump.

And this is why I do not advocate anyone trying to duplicate any of the work I did here.

If or when this system fails, and I survive, I’ll be taking a serious look at that electric booster assist master cylinder. I should probably start with that but it’s just too billety for me. If I can put form before function, I’ll give it a shot but don’t try this on your own.


Heater Blower Motor


Push Rod, that lazy bastard.