Get on your marks…

The surprises never stop.

First the oiling for the heads is messed up and then I find the combustion chambers are bigger than they should be.

I’m working on the stub gear and the sprockets that are pressed onto it. These are what ensures the cams stay sync’d to the crank and when I mock up the sprockets on the work bench, I get another surprise.

The timing marks, one per sprocket, are not lined up the way they should be. The sprockets are 180 degrees out from each other.

This is another sprocket and stub set I have. Look at the 12 o’clock position. There are two dots, one on each sprocket and they are aligned. This is how the set should look.

Using the second sprocket set as reference, I’d say that the keyway should be 180 out from the marks. If you look at the two sprockets lying next to each other, the smaller sprocket is cut properly and the other was done by someone who had other things on their mind.

The set was supplied by the same company I bought the heads and block from. Just sayin’

Once I calmed down, I took a closer look at what I was dealing with and that’s when I referenced the keyway relation to the timing marks. It wasn’t long after that when it was obvious that the larger sprocket was the day dreamers work.

The mark on the little sprockets tooth lines up with a tooth on the big sprocket. The little sprocket has 31 teeth and the big one has 48. Only one tooth on each sprocket can match up and it appears that the sprockets line up the way they should, it’s just the marking on the large sprocket is wrong. Simple enough solution. I’ll mark a new reference spot with a dab of paint after I dimple the tooth.


At A Stand Still


What’s my compression?