Replacing the right tower

With the new fender aprons in place, there were only a handful of spot welds waiting to succumb to my mighty spot weld cutter.

The tower was removed easily and the mating surfaces were ground down and the area all cleaned up.

After a year I’m about to put the new tower in. The first true step towards making a home for the Cammer.

I coax the tower into place and use a couple of clamps to hold it in place and… nothing. I expected angels to start singing, the skies to open up and a ray of light to shine down on the tower.

It’s just a hunk of metal sitting in the car but it’s a beautiful thing. I keep looking at it sitting in its spot and I’m comparing it to a picture that I downloaded of a proper Boss 9 tower, I am not displeased.

Ok! This just might work. However, my plan to replace the apron first and use the old tower as an anchor point to ensure a better fit of all of the pieces proved to be off. The new tower isn’t profiled as close to the original as I had hoped. The rear apron top rail fits onto the top of the shock tower pretty well but the front apron top rail is suspended over the tower by 1/4 inch. dammit.

Needless to say, there will be no welding on the new shock towers until I’m happy with the over-all fit. The shock tower is left clamped in place.

Now, let’s see how the left side goes.


The left fender apron


Shock Tower